Thursday, 8 October 2009

Anfim Modifications

We have been asked by several customers over the last few months to modify stock Anfim Super Caimano's. So I thought id write about and show some photos of the modifications we carry out and why customers are asking for these modifications.

Firstly, why the Anfim Super Caimano?

Many you may not have heard of Anfim never mind the Super Caimano. The stock coffee grinder for many cafes and restaurants up and down the country is the Mazzer Super Jolly. The Super Jolly is very well built and priced right. So it has been the grinder of choice for many espresso machine companies and roasters to package with their equipment up for their customers. It wont break down, its strong. Job done.

...But its messy!! If you have used one you will know that the area around the base of the Super Jolly by mid morning service will be covered in coffee grinds. A big waste of coffee but also money. If you look even more closely you will see that most the flying grinds are on the left hand side of the grinder. This is caused by the motion of dosing the chamber of ground coffee. The dosing veins sweep around and push the coffee out to the left as they rotate in a clockwise manner.

Now when thinking of your coffee costs, i.e. what you pay for whole bean coffee, you think what you pay per kg right? Well lets also add in wastage. That is the coffee that ends up around the base of the machine, on the floor, removed from the doser after the service or cafe has closed. This can be quiet significant, in fact as much as 30% can be wasted. So say you prepare a double shot of espresso and you use 16g of coffee for that double, once you account for the flying grounds you actually need to grind about 21g to achieve your 16g dose. Ive tried it many many times and these numbers stack up. So your £8.50 per kg bag of coffee is really costing you over £11.

... Well how is the Anfim better?

Answer: The Doser! Whether by design or fluke (im guessing design) the Anfim doser drops the coffee straight down into your group handle. Not to the left, not to the right, but straight down where it should. It is also a very clean doser. That is after you have swept the coffee into your group handle there is very little coffee left in the dosing chamber. This allows the next cup to have fresh, delicious coffee and not a couple of grams of stale grounds from the last cup.

OK so we now have a grinder that doses very cleanly and will save me money, wastage and my freshness per cup served will improve. That's great by why the modifications then?

The Digital Timer

The first modification we did was to add a Digital Timer to the Anfim.

The original dial timer was removed and a square machined out to allow the digital timer to slide in and occupy the space under the motor. The timer basically allows you to run the motor for a pre-determined length of time. You can see on this shot we had it set for 7.4 seconds. It is very easy to programme. Hit the yellow arrow key, this makes the numbers flash from right to left and use the up and own arrow keys to increase or decrease the time. The red number above will show the time in operation when you start the timer. So it starts at 0.0 and counts up to, in this case, 7.4.

Why do I need a Digital Timer?

The reason you would install a digital timer to an Anfim is to control the amount of coffee ground at each coffee preparation. Once you have set up your timer to say produce a 16g dose, you only need to start the timer and you know the grinder will grind for long enough to produce a 16g dose. No more, no less, no wastage! This also allows you to grind on demand with the added benefit of a doser to declump as you dose the coffee through the chamber. So now you can tell your customers you grind to order. Not grind for day or grind for the next hour or ten minutes. We grind for each individual cup! Fresh, delicious and less wastage. better for you and your customers.

The round Stainless steel button you see activates the the timer. So when you need to grind, you place your portafilter on the forks under the doser, hit the button and start dosing. This is an anti-vandal type button that is water proof and no coffee will enter. It is also tested for 3 million + presses, so will last!

The black button at the back turns the whole grinder off and on. It also turns the timer off and the fan. (if you have one installed)

My shop gets through a lot of coffee...

In busy cafes the grinder can be in heavy demand under contestant work. It gets hot! Very hot! The burrs work better and the whole grinder functions better when there is a bit of heat in the machine, just like your car. But under heavy work load, also heavy revving in your car, it heats up. But unlike your car which has a water cooled radiator and the advantage of the car moving through air to aid in cooling, the grinder just stays hot and once the the large brass burr holders get hot they stay hot! So to assist it keeping the grinder cool we fitted a fan to the back of the grinder just behind the burrs.

This small, powerful fan extracts air from the motor and burr chamber. It operates when you turn the grinder on in the morning until you turn it off at night. This pulls the hot air generated by the grinding action out of the grinder not allowing the whole unit to heat up excessively.

The fan is nice and quiet as well.


So here we now have a grinder that grinds fast, sweeps the doser clean, doses straight into my portafilter, grinds on demand, improves my freshness per cup, keeps cool under heavy workloads, creates less mess and saves me money. Ill take two!!
Once you workout your yearly spend on coffee, say £4500 and our calculation shows you will save about 30% on wastage, that's £1350! So now you can actually afford two!!

Other mods we can do on your Anfim, or any grinder for that matter, is apply powdercoat, paint or chrome. You can choose a paint colour and we will have the body powder coated. We can also apply decals, that could be your logo, a design or you favourite tattoo design!!

If you would like to discuss the Anfim or the modifications we do just call us on 0800 033 7970

Next up the BNZ Conical...

1 comment:

Admin said...

Efficiency is another important advantage of electronics. Mechanical clock mechanisms can slowly wear over time, and lose their efficiency. Many of these devices also have daily clocks, and it is very important for them to keep proper time. Electronic products are more accurate than mechanical ones, and accuracy is vital for some products.
digital timer