Monday, 6 April 2009

Some Goodies from Espresso

Ive been talking to Terry and Brian at Espresso for a while about bringing some of their innovative products over to the UK and Europe.

Well our first package arrived yesterday (07/04/09) and was opened within 30 seconds of being signed for!

First out of the box was the Scace temperature device. We used one at Ristretto on Joes Synesso Cyncra. Straight away we knew it was an invaluable tool for engineers, cafe owners or coffee geeks. With the prevelance of PID double boiler machines it also offers a useful tool to calibrate your PID reading with the actual brew point temperature. Weve given buyers two options, it comes in either a E61 naked poratfilter, or a custom OEM La Marzocco naked portafilter. We have found an engineering company that is going to convert OEM factory portafilters to naked for us. We will also be offering a service where you send in a spare portafilter you have lying around and will make it naked. We hope to have this service up and running on our site in 3 weeks.

For more details on the Scace and its capabilties see

The second product out of the box was the Custom Steam tip for the La Marzocco. Espresso parts have been engineering this tip for nearlly 2 years. It prvides much more control over the steaming of milk.

Next item was the Elvinator. This doser mod for Mazzer dosers elimantes the curse of the Mazzer throw. It now allows the Mazzer to dose smoothly and cleanly into your portafilter.

We also brought over some of their famous tampers. This one is the Lava Deluxe tamper. Its has a 58mm convex stainless steel base. A really nice feel to it.

We'll continiue to work with the guys at Espresso Parts to offer UK customers the latest in espresso innovation.

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