Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Grinder Price Increases

Come the New Year come the price rise.

Nearly all grinder and espresso machine manufacturers have increased their prices for their products for 2009.

But I say nearly all...Anfim manufacturers of the Super Caimano, Caimano, Best and Haus have kept their prices at last years levels.

The Anfims have been a slow burner in the espresso industry but have really started to get noticed.

From their home/light commercial range the Anfim Best is, in our opinion, up there with the Mazzer Mini but at nearly £100 cheaper is certainly a grinder to put in the mix when deciding your grinder. This grinder is very solid and has the famous Anfim dosing compabilities.

For commercial premises the Anfim commercials will save you money. By our reckoning you could save between 10%-20% on coffee wastage because of the neatness of the Anfim doser. And no im not exaggerating!! And when compared to other grinders in its categories the Anfim at this price is a great choice for your cafe.

If you would like to discuss Anfim or any other grinder we have listed then give is a call.

Quantity Discounts for Everyone!!

Previously our bulk order discounts were only available to trade customers, we now have opened up the discounts for everyone to enjoy and take advantage of. Whether your a cafe or a group of friends you can now buy larger quantities of our products are greatly reduced prices.

We have also added a Web Specials Category where we place items that are at greatly reduced prices for a limited time.

Head over to Coffee Hit and take advantage of these great prices.